Saturday, May 23, 2009

And on the 26th day...

A headache.
I'm inclined to be a little superstitious. Surely I brought it on crowing about not having one for nearly a month.
But it's really not that uncommon for me to have a headache around "that time of the month." And I don't think I helped matters by getting up before 7 this morning to go pick up another load of mulch for my garden (which I now don't feel up to working in, alas).
I took a nap hoping for the best, but woke up with that nagging pain just starting up.
I waited perhaps too long to take Relpax and now I'm wondering if it's going to kick in at all. I should have taken it before I ate, because food seems to slow its absorption, but I hoped that eating would help.
Feel nauseated, the pain ramping up.
Really not too much to say about it. I'm grateful -- I really am -- that I had 25 days blissfully headache-free. But the truth is, I'd rather never have one at all...
I promised a friend I'd go to his play tonight and I stood him up for lunch yesterday, so I'm hoping the Relpax will do its trick.

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