Monday, June 22, 2009

Losing my cool

And this week -- not starting off great.
I thought maybe we (by which I mean I) could be done with the headaches for a while already.
But by about 4 p.m. or so, one was definitely setting in.
But I thought I could finish my work and get out before things got hairy -- maybe get on my bike and ride it off before it could really get out of control.
But I was working on two stories (fortunately one got held, or I'd have lost my mind completely) and one of them (the one that ran) was controversial, which always seems to take a bit more effort.
Anyway -- I finished my story and turned it in.
Then it turned out I hadn't saved the final changes and the stupid program let me close it without asking if I wanted to save, as it randomly does from time to time. So I had to go in and redo those parts.
Then my editor started reading it and although I had thought the story was reasonably clean and clear, he had a million questions and wanted to change a lot of things around.
So of course by now my head is pounding and it's getting to that point past which I cannot cope.
I'm afraid I was rather snippy.
I REALLY, REALLY didn't mean to be.
It's just that it started to seem like it would never stop -- his questions, the pain, the pain, the pain.
He was on the last paragraph and I guess I should have tried to pull myself together -- but I lost it and said, "I'm sorry, but I really have to leave."
And flounced out rather petulantly.
I don't understand why this is happening to me. Why it has to be this way. I try so hard to be And yes, I know I'm being a big whiny baby poor me wah.
As always, the fear of losing my job, not being able to do my job, because of the headaches.
Am I being melodramatic?
The pain is not the worst I've ever felt. Not even close. It just feels like a brush fire behind my eyes.
I'm sorry. This whole blog idea seems to be bogging down in self pity.
I didn't mean for it to be that way.
Maybe I should go back to the doctor and see what the pharmaceutical industry has to offer these days.
That back bedroom with the drawn shades and the laudanum is looking pretty sweet right about now.

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